Cereus azureus

Cereus azureus is an erected, columnar cactus. The stem is green or greyish, and in the adult plant the cephalium gets bristly.

Cephalocereus senilis

Cephalocereus senilis is a columnar cactus which owes its name to its white hairy pseudocephalium, which makes it look like an old man.

Carnegiea gigantea

Carnagiea gigantea, also known as "Seguaro", grows a columnar, little ramified stem. This is thorny, fleshy and slow-growing, and can get up to 13 m high and 3 m wide.

Browningia hertlingiana

Browningia hertlingiana is an enormous columnar cactus, which due to its characteristical turqouise appearance is also called “Blue Cereus".

Astrophytum ornatum cv Spiral

The name of the genus Astrophytum derives from the Greek words "astèr" which means "star" and "phytòn" which means "plant", as these particular cacti have many ribs, which, seen from above, look [...]

Astrophytum ornatum

The name of the genus Astrophytum derives from the Greek words "astèr" which means "star" and "phytòn" which means "plant", as these particular cacti have many ribs, which, seen from above, look [...]

Astrophytum myriostigma “tricostatum”

The name of the genus Astrophytum derives from the Greek words "astèr" which means "star" and "phytòn" which means "plant", as these particular cacti have many ribs, which, seen from above, look [...]

Astrophytum myriostigma cv. Onzuka

The name of the genus Astrophytum derives from the Greek words "astèr" which means "star" and "phytòn" which means "plant", as these particular cacti have many ribs, which, seen from above, look [...]