Senecio stapeliiformis


Notonia gregorii
Senecio gregorii
Senecio stapeliaeformis
Senecio stapeliformis
Kleinia gregorii
Kleinia stapeliaeformis


Is a succulent native to South Africa (Eastern Cape- Mpumalanga)


Senecio stapeliiformis is a succulent with erect , tiny, cylindrical blue-green stems up to 35 cm hight or more. In the top there are some vestigial small dark green leaves. In the stem there are a dark longitudinal stripes and a soft spines along the side.
The young shoots grows at the base underground.
The mature stems blooms in spring or summer at the top. The flowers, very showy are orange or red They are a cluster, in each one there are about 30 little flowers.


This senecio is easy to grow even on the ground if it grows in mild climates.
The soil is have to dry out completely between waterings. Water approximately once a week in the growing period and once a month in the dormant period. Use well-drained soil.
Be careful, if you water too abundantly the roots can rot.
In winter, keep the soil dry if the temperature drops below 10 ° C. Resistant up to 0 ° C but only for a short time.
It is recommended to repair it during the cold season.
The Senecio stapeliiformis prefers a bright space, without direct sunlight.


S. stapeliiformis can be grown by seed or cutting. It is easy to propagate by cuttings in late spring or summer, just take a cutting of the plant to let it dry for 1 or 2 weeks and place it in soil, preferably dry, extremely well draining.


Th common name of Senecio stapeliiformis is “Candle Stick” or “Candle Plant “ because his characteristic shape .
The epithet, “stapeliiformis” refers to its resemblance with the stapelia plant in appearance and form.

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