Sansevieria cylindrica
Acyntha cylindrica
Cordyline cylindrica
Sansevieria angolensis
Sansevieria cylindrica var. patula
Sansevieria cylindrica is native to Southern Africa, where it gros in arid habitats.
Sansevieria cylindrica is an odd, stemless plant, also called “Elephant’s toothpicks” precisely for the almost perfectly cylindrical shape of its leaves, ending in a pointed tip, a form that make them look like green toothpicks. These plant shows a fan-shaped habit, however their leaves are rather stiff (another reason why they look like toothpicks!). Leaves have this bright, intense green colour, with lighter and darker parts regularly alternating along every leaf in a kind of brindled pattern. Its particular aspect has given rise to many pretty ideas to enhance its decorative potential: for example, it’s possible to intertwine the cylindrical leaves into braids!
Flowers are white and numerous, growing crowded all along a green, elongated stalk. They are tubular and good-scented. It blooms once a year late Winter to Spring (but in Summer too). It tends to bloom more readily from a young age than other varieties.
Sansevieria cylindrica are not difficult to grow. Here below are our cultivation tips:
Put it in a bright spot: it also tolerates a direct exposure to sunlight. Its ideal substrate should be well-draining but also fertile: 3 parts of loam mixed with 1 of pomice will do good, for example. However, a standard mix for succulent will be okay as well. S. cylindrica can bear temperatures down to -2ºC, if its substrate is kept completely dry. However, we advice to put it indoors in Winter, or either shelter it if it’s placed outside. Water your S. cylindrica regularly, once a week, during the growing season, namely in Spring and Summer, and once a month in Autumn, until completely suspending waterings in Winter. Wait always for the soil to dry up before each irrigation. Repotting is rarely necessary as S. cylindrica is a slow-growing plant and its rosette usually grows only 4-5 leaves maximum. These plants do not need frequent fertilization, it is sufficient to dilute the fertilizer with watering once a year.
Sansevieria cylindrica is usually propagated by cuttings or division. Cuttings should be at least 7 centimeters long. Once taken off, they should be planted in moist sand.
Sansevierias are very common as houseplants as they are easy to grow and have air purifying properties: they increase the level of oxygen in the house, reduce electrosmog reduce pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
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