Family: Cactaceae
Habitat: Bolivia, Perù, Argentina
Cultivation: Rebutia are not difficult to grow. However, to obtain a beautiful summer bloom, special attention should be paid in the Winter, keeping them in a cool, sheltered place.
Curiosity: Although they have been identified as a genus since the late 1800s, the classification of Rebutia is still being discussed, given their proximity to other genus of dwarf cacti.
The genus Rebutia includes a large number of small spherical or slightly obovate cacti (the shape depends also on the age of the plant).
The stems are covered with spirally arranged tubercles. At the top of each one we find the areoles, covered with a whitish fuzz, from which light-colored thorns sprout.
The flowers are cup-shaped, brightly coloured (red, yellow…) or pinkish-white, large if compared to the size of the plant. They grow all along the stem, starting from a height of 2 cm when the plant is two to three years old.
The classification of Rebutia is not universally accepted; some, for example, include Mediolobivia or other small spherical cacti in this genus. Here below are a few species recognised nowadays, at least according to the most common classifications.
Try to look for them in our online shop!
- R. albiareolata
- R. albiflora
- R. albipilosa
- R. arenacea
- R. atrovirens
- R. aureiflora
- R. aureispina
- R. colorea
- R. eighlamii var. gonzalesii forma cristata
- R. flavistyla
- R. fulviseta
- R. (Cylindrorebutia) gonjianii
- R. gracilispina
- R. haagei (pygmaea)
- R. haefneriana (pygmaea)
- R. heliosa
- R. heliosa “albinos”
- R. heliosa var. cajasensis
- R. heliosa var. condorensis
- R. heliosa var. melanistic
Rebutia are easy to grow. However, for successful flowerings in the summer, you should pay particular attention during the cold seasonn and keep them in a cool, sheltered place in winter.
Here are our cultivation tips:
- Choose a bright position, but avoid direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day to prevent sunburns. If kept indoors, a dry and ventilated environment is recommended.
- The minimum tolerated temperature is a few degrees above 0ºC.
- Water regularly every 4-5 days in summer, gradually decreasing the frequency in Autum until suspending it completely in Winter.
- Use a standard soil for cacti. It must be a not too rich in nutrients but very well drained.
- Fertilize in spring, once a month, with a specific product for cacti using half of the doses recommended on the package.
- Repotting is not necessary every year, as the plant remains very small and does not grow very fast.
- They can be propagated only by seeds: cuttings are not possible. Sometimes suckers can be used.