
Family: Cactaceae
Habitat: Peruvian desert areas
Cultivation: The Oroya have slow growth and require cares  similar to those of other globular cacti. It is advisable to pay particular attention to the temperature because too low temperatures could create holes in the stem  which cause  unhealthy scars.
Curiosity: Oroya is also the name of a city and a district of Peru, from which these cactacee come.


The Oroya genus includes small or medium sized cactus from  globular stem, which can reach a maximum height of about 20 cm and a diameter of 30. The stem, bright or darker green according to the variety and age of the plant, is branched by very well defined and slightly flattened vertical ribs along which yellow-orange thorns emerge. The flowers are usually on the shades of dark pink or red, in some species (Oroya aureiflora) are yellow. They appear in the summer on top of the cactus, crowned, when the plant reaches an age of at least five years from the sowing.


The Oroya genus includes few species, three or five according to the classification.
We list:

  • Oroya aureiflora
  • O. laxiareolata
  • O. neoperuviana
  • O. peruvian
  • O. peruvian v. minimum


The Oroya have slow growth and require care similar to those of other globular cacti. It is advisable to pay particular attention to the temperature because too low temperatures could create hole in the stem, which cause unhealthy scars.

Here are our other tips for cultivating:

  • EXPOSURE: Choose a position in the sun.
  • TEMPERATURE: The plant is also resistant to short frosts, but if you keep it above 8-10 ° C you will avoid possible fractures in the stem, not fatal but leaving unhealthy scars.
  • WATERING: Water only with completely dry soil and suspend completely in winter. In spring and summer it may be useful to spray every 3-4 days.
  • SOIL: Use a standard soil for cactacea or other well-draining formula and rich in coarse sand. It is recommended to add a pure sand collar around the base of the plant to minimize the risk of rot.
  • CONCIMATION: Use a specific product for cactacea. It is sufficient to fertilize once a month during the vegetative period.
  • REPOT: It is only required every 2-3 years, given the slow growth of the plant.
  • REPRODUCTION: Reproduction of the plant occurs through seed, placed in a bed of wet sand at a temperature of 21 ° C in spring or summer. The following year, sprouts can be planted in a suitable soil.

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