
Gender: Nyctocereus
Family: Cactaceae
Habitat: Mexico
Cultivation: Choose very bright place but protected by direct sunlight and keep it at a temperature above 8 ° C. Repot about once every two years, respecting the natural growth of the plant.
Curiosity: the Nyctocereus owes its name to the blossom at night. It shares its habit with other kinds of cacti, such as Monvillea and Trichocereus. As a whole, these night-flowering plants are called Epiphyllum.


The Nyctocereus genus is a cactus from Mexico that includes a single species, the Nyctocereus Serpentinus.
Basically the stems are thin and of a bright green color. They can be erect, creeping, or even climbing. In some species however, they have crested shapes that make it particularly decorative even if grown in pots. In particular, in its crested form is the most sought in the market and the easiest to find in nurseries. The flowers are large (up to 15 cm wide), white, they are often fragrant, composed of narrow petals and characterized by a rather long chalice. They only open at night and from this habit comes the name of the genre.

Variety and Types

The only species present in this genus is the Nyctocereus Serpentinus. However, there are some variants (eg the criss-cross version). As always, we invite you to look for them in our online shop in the section dedicated to Nyctocereus.

Here are our tips for cultivating Nyctocereus:

  • EXPOSURE: Prefer very bright places but protected by direct sunlight.
  • TEMPERATURE: As many cactacea it  requires temperatures above 8 ° C (around 25 ° C is the ideal temperature). It can survive short frosts if the soil is kept well dry.
  • WATERING: Water once every 4-5 days during the spring and summer with abundant watering. Gradually decrease watering in autumn and suspend completely with the arrival of winter.
  • SOIL: Choose a standard soil for cactacea, taking care to add a large draining layer to the bottom of the vessel.
  • CONCIMATION: During the vegetative period, fertilize once a month with a specific product for cactacea.
  • REPOT: Repot about once every two years, respecting the natural growth of the plant. In shapes not crested, pay special attention to the branches of the stem – which are thin and delicate, especially in younger plants.
  • REPRODUCTION: The Nyctocereus reproduces well either by sowing or by stem cuttings. The seeds should be placed in sandy and humid soil and allowed to germinate at a temperature of about 20 ° C. As a cutting, however, lateral ramps can be picked up that root easily.
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