Mammillaria elongata ‘Lemon’


Mammillaria elongata ‘Lemon’ is a specific cultivar of Mammillaria elongata. There are no widely recognized synonyms for this particular variety, but there are several names to refer to the species like:
Ariocarpus retusus
Cactus elongatus
Chilita elongata
Krainzia elongata
Leptocladia elongata
Leptocladodia elongata
Neomammillaria elongata
Cactus anguineus
Cactus densus
Mammillaria stella-aurata var. gracilispina


Mammillaria elongata is native to Mexico Gulf and Mexico Northeast at 1500 metres above the sea level. In its habitat this cactus thrives in arid and rocky regions. The plant is used to sandy, well-drained soil, long drought periods and at temperatures that can vary greatly between day and night.


Mammillaria elongata ‘Lemon’ is a small plant belonging the Cactaceae botanical family. It grows in clusters and can reach up to 15 cm in height and 3 cm in diameter. The plant has a creeping habit although initially the stem is erect. The globular stem is made of triangular tubercles arranged in a spiral way. The tubercles are fleshy and dark green and bear clusters of spines at the top. The radial spines are soft and thin, the central spines are thicker and more prominent. The spines are bright yellow to gold and this feature give the characteristic epithet of the cultivar ‘lemon’. Blooming occurs during the spring and the flowers are borne in a circular way forming a crown at the apex of the stem. The flowers are small, delicate, cream to white yellow in color and 1 cm in diameter. After blooming it is possible to see small, red-pink fruits giving an ornamental interest to this charming plant.


This is a slow growing plant, easy to cultivate. The plant needs a full sunlight exposure but is recommended to avoid direct sun-light during the hottest periods. The plant does not like temperatures below 10°C so it needs to be placed indoors in the coldest periods. The soil should be mixed with pumice, clay and loam to allow for drainage and prevent root rot, as the plant is prone to it. Remember to use a perforated pot to drain excess water. Watering can be done regularly in spring and summer: during the vegetative period you can water the plant every 7 days, checking that the soil is completely dry before watering again. In winter you should stop the watering to allow the plant to enter dormancy. If you want a faster and lusher growth, you can fertilize the plant once a month during the growing season with specific fertilizers for succulents; stop fertilizing throughout the winter. If the pot becomes too small for the plant, you can repot it in a pot that is 2 cm wider. Repotting should be done early in the growing season with fresh new compost. Be careful to red spiders and scale insect. For mealybugs, you can remove them with a paintbrush dipped in alcohol, or if large numbers are present, you may use an insecticide.


Propagation can be done by cutting or by seed. When propagating through cuttings, make the cut during the spring and then let the cutting dry. After a few days, the cut surface will dry, and a callus will form. Place the cutting in a mixture of sand, soil, and pumice. To increase the success of propagation, you can make two or more cuttings at the same time. For cuttings, it is recommended to maintain temperatures around 20°C. Propagation by seed is a simple method to propagate the plant. Simply sow the seeds in sandy loam soil and keep them in an environment with a high level of humidity and at a temperature of 14°C.


The name of the genus come from the Latin word ‘Mammilla’ that means ‘teat’ or ‘nipple’ and refers to the numerous, nipple-shaped tubercles of their stem, that are the distinctive feature of this genus. In Mexican culture, certain species of Mammillaria have been used in traditional medicine for their anti-inflammatory properties, although there is no evidence to suggest Mammillaria elongata itself is used this way.

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