Haworthia Limifolia “Spider White”
H. keithii
H. limifolia var. diploidea
H. limifolia var. keithii
H. limifolia var. limifolia
H. limifolia f. major
H. limifolia f. marlothiana
H. limifolia var. marlothiana
H. limifolia f. pimentellii
H. limifolia f. schuldtiana
H. limifolia var. schuldtiana
H. limifolia var. stolonifera
H. limifolia var. tetraploidea
H. marlothiana
Haworthia Limifolia is native to Mozambique, Swaziland, Republic of South Africa (in particular to the areas of Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal). Spider White is a variety of H. limifolia and has been discovered by a collector in South Africa, then finally brought to market by a Dutch nursery, Handelskwekerij Lock.
Haworthia Limifolia Spider White is a small succulent plant forming rosettes of triangular, fleshy leaves, that reach 8-9 centimeters in diameter and 6 centimeters in height. It’s also called “Fairy washboard”, for the peculiar, rough surface of its leaves: if you run a fingertip along them, you will feel the roughness of their raised, white bands. Leaves are in fact bright green, triangular, sharply pointed and striped in these white, prominent bands.
Flowers are similar to the ones of the regular form. They are borne in groups of 15-20 on a 35 centimeters long inflorescence, and are small, usually white, more or less tinged in pink or adorned with brown veins, equipped with six tepals. Tepals is a botanical term to describe petals of flowers that don’t possue the calyx, and in which there isn’t, thus, the distinction between sepals and petals. The calyx is the green part of the flowers: it usually lies above the petals and is formed by it own green “petals”, called sepals. When the calyx is absent, the petals of the flowers are called tepals. The blooming period of H. limifolia Spider White occurs in Summer.
No synonyms are recorded for this name.
Haworthia Limifolia Spider White is very easy to grow. Here are our recommendations:
The ideal exposure is at half shade to full shade. You can either pu it in bright spots, as long as it’s not exposed to direct sunlight except for a few hours a day. The leaves tend, otherwise, to become reddish.
Though this succulent can tolerate short frosts (temperatures down to -5ºC), if its substrate stays completely dry, we suggest to keep it indoors or at least sheltered, at temperatures above 5ºC.
Water sparingly in Spring and Summer, making sure that the soil is dry before each irrigation. During Autumn and Winter, make sure it only stays slightly damp and water only when you notie that it has completely dried out.
Use a specific substrate for cacti, being careful to leave a layer of inert materials at the bottom of the vessel to facilitate drainage.
Fertilize once a month in spring and summer with a product rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
When you repot, consider that the roots are fleshy and they need space: do not use excessively shallow pots, though the plant does not grow in height. H. limifolia Spider White is relatively fast-growing and will form clusters of rosettes: repot at least every year.
If you keep your Haworthia Limifolia Spider White, make sure to place it a shaded and airy spot, not too close to the glass roof to avoid overheating during the hotter periods.
The propagation of Haworthia limifolia Spider White occurs most of the times through the removal of the lateral shoots. It’s also possible to use leaf cuttings in Spring and Summer, by simply removing a leaf and putting it on the soil, letting it lie there for about a month (you should let the wound heal before placing it on the soil). Also seed propagation is possible, though the other methods are easier and thus more frequently used. The easiest one is actually the removal of offshoots.
For the rough surface of its leaves, Haworthia limifolia Spider White has earned the common name of “Fairies Washboard”.
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