
Family: Crassulaceae
Habitat: Native to the Canary Islands, it is mainly widespread along the coasts of West Africa.
Cultivation: These plants are easy to grow and reproduce, but they cannot tolerate frost: it is recommended to keep them above 10°C (50°F).
Curiosity: The G. Aurea is also known as the “Canary Island rose” or “mountain rose” due to the high altitudes at which it lives.


The genus Greenovia consists in a group of Crassulaceae mostly native to the Canary Islands and grow in mountainous or hilly areas. The Canary Island roses, in particular G. aurea, is really sought after by succulent lovers for its beautiful rosettes.

The plant has short stems, almost absent, and rounded leaves that grow in very compact rosettes that can reach a considerable size: up to 40 cm in diameter in their natural habitat! They are green or blue-green in colour. In some species, in particular G. aurea, the rosettes of leaves look like green roses, with leaves so thin that they seem petals, and arranged precisely like a rose flower. In some species, such as G. dondrentalis, each rosettes is at the top of a woody, curved stem, making the whole plant look like a bunch of green roses. In other species, stems are much numerous and shorter, forming dense bunch of tinier, more round-shaped rosettes.

At the end of the Summer, to prepare for the vegetative rest, the rosettes close, preparing the plant for autumn and winter, so the rosette become more similar to a little, pretty egg.

Flowers are deep yellow and grow in late Spring. They grow in falling raceme inflorescences at the top of a yellowish stems which sprout from the centre of the rosette. Unlike in other Crassulaceae, flowering is the peak and also the end of the plant: after blooming the plant dies.


These are the Greenovia species recognised to date. Check out our online shop to find some of them!

  • Greenovia aurea
  • Greenovia diplocycla
  • Greenovia gracilis


Here below are the our cultivation tips for Greenovia:

  • Greenovias like to be in full sun.
  • The ideal temperature for the plant is around 10-20°C. Never leave it below 5-6°C.
  • Water regularly every 2-3 days in Spring and Summer, but suspend the irrigation in Autumn and Winter. The rosette closes with the arrival of the Autumn, signalling the arrival of its vegetative rest period. As with other Crassulaceaes, be careful not to wet the rosettes during the irrigation, to avoid rotting.
  • We advice to use a standard soil for cacti. By the way, they are not so demanding and thrive even in poor soils, as long as they are well-draining.
  • Fertilize at the beginning of Spring with a specific product for succulent plants and repeat the operation at the beginning of flowering.
  • Normally, adult plants do not need to be repotted often. They in fact soon reach their maximum size, and maintain it.

Both seedlings and cuttings can be used for propagation. Also the suckers produced abundantly at the base of the plant can be taken off and used as cuttings.

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