Echinocereus pulchellus var. amoenus
- Cereus amoenus
- Echinocereus amoenus
- Echinopsis amoena
- Echinopsis pulchella var. amoena
- Echinopsis pulchella var. flore kermesina
- Echinopsis pulchella var. rosea
-It is widespread in northern Oaxaca, Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosi, and Queretaro (Mexico).
-Echinocereus pulchellus v. amoenus is a solitary or clumping cactus. Stems are flat and globular, usually 5-7cm in diameter, bluish-green in young plants. They are ribbed (9-13) with areoles and yellow spines. It produces abundant pink flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter.
-It is an easy but slow plant to grow. Use very porous standard cactus mix soil. Its tap root needs a deep pot to grow in, with good drainage. Avoid overwaterings, this plant is very rot sensitive! Keep dry in winter. Minimum temperature is 5°C (but can tolerate brief periods above -5°C). It needs full sun exposure to light shade: direct sun for too long expose the plant to sunburn, but bright light encourages flowering.
-Propagate by seeds or cuttings.
-This plant is very popular among collectionists as it remains compact and produces beautiful large flowers.
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