Echinocereus carmenensis
- Cereus viridiflorus
- Echinocereus labouretii
- Echinocereus viridiflorus
-It is endemic of La Cuesta, in Mexico.
-Echinocereus carmenensis is actually a form of the E. viridiflorus. The stem is more compact, spahericol and yellowish-green, obscured almost completely by crowded, needle-like spines. Generally, it ha one central spine and 25 or more rsdial spines around the areoles. These areoles are covered by white or yellow wool. The plant produces yellowish-green or bronze flowers.
-E. carmenensis blooms when given an adequate rest period in winter. Use mineral well-permeable substratum, don’t exceed in organic matter. Use pot with very good drainage and deep enough to allow the tap root. Repot every 2-3 years. If grown inside, provide bright light and some direct sunlight, if grown outside it needs full sun and some afternoon shade to prevent sunburns. Strong light encourages flowering. Water moderately from March till October and keep it perfectly dry in winter, when it has to be protected from high atmospheric humidity as well. Too much water and shade will make the plant swollen. It is very cold resistant but for very short period of time.
-Propagate by seeds or cuttings.
-It is commonly called Chocolate-scented hedgehog thanks to its flowers’ scent.
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