Echeveria ‘Estrella’
No synonyms are recorded for this species name.
Echeveria ‘Estrella’ is a nursery hybrid of uncertain origin and, thus, it doesn’t exist in nature. Although, Echeverias in general are native to South and Central America.
Echeveria ‘Estrella’ is a nice species of succulent plant, so-called because of its rosette. It is usually formed by a unique rosette of oval, elongated leaves, pointed and arranged in a star-shaped pattern. The pattern includes concentric circles of leaves, regularly placed one at the top of another, so densely packed that the stem beneath them is not visible. The result is a highly decorative species, usually forming only one rosette. The colour of the leaves is glaucous greyish, with a barely visible reddish hint at their tip. From the center of the rosette, in Spring and Summer, an elongated stem sprouts, bearing a raceme-arranged inflorescence of yellow, bell-shaped flowers.
Echeveria “Estrella” is a stunning succulent that is sure to add a touch of beauty to any garden or indoor space. This tough plant is well-suited to harsh environments, just like its relatives that hail from the highlands of Mexico and some regions of South America. To truly bring out the reddish tinge of its leaves and the bright green color of the plant overall, be sure to place it in a spot that is exposed to direct sunlight all year round. This plant can tolerate temperatures as low as 4ºC, so it is best to grow it in a pot that can be easily moved indoors during the winter to protect it from the cold. When it comes to watering, be sure to give it a good soaking during the summer but avoid watering it at all during the winter, unless the leaves start to shrivel. Be careful not to let any stagnant water accumulate in the rosette, and avoid getting the leaves wet when watering. Echeveria “Estrella” is not picky when it comes to soil or fertilizing, just fertilize once in the spring and summer with a product specifically formulated for succulents that is high in potassium and phosphorus and low in nitrogen. Make sure the soil is well-draining, and you can add perlite or pumice to improve drainage. Repotting every year will also help to keep your plant vigorous and healthy.
Echeveria “Estrella” can be easily propagated through leaf cuttings or offsets. To propagate through leaf cuttings, simply remove a healthy leaf from the mother plant and allow it to callus over for a few days before planting it in well-draining cactus or succulent soil. Keep the soil moist but not wet and in a bright, warm location. Roots will begin to form within a few weeks and new growth will appear in several months.
Another method of propagation is by offsets, which are small rosettes that form around the base of the mother plant. Carefully remove the offset with a sharp, clean knife, making sure to include a small portion of the root. Allow the offset to callus over for a few days before planting it in well-draining cactus or succulent soil. Keep the soil moist but not wet and in a bright, warm location. The offset will begin to establish itself and new growth will appear in several weeks.
Propagation through seeds is also possible, but it’s a little bit more difficult and time consuming, it’s best to be done by an experienced grower. Whichever method you choose, Echeveria “Estrella” is a fast grower and will quickly establish itself, giving you a new beautiful plant to add to your collection.
Echeveria ‘Estrella’ is a beautiful and ornamental succulent that is known for its rosettes of fleshy, star-shaped leaves that are a pale pink to silver-gray color. The genus name Echeveria is named after the Mexican botanical artist Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy. The cultivar name ‘Estrella’ is Spanish for “star” which refers to the shape of its leaves. The species name is not mentioned in this cultivar name. Echeveria ‘Estrella’ is well adapted to survive in harsh, arid regions, it can store water in its leaves and can survive for long periods without water.
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