Echeveria “Asante Sana”
No synonyms are recorded for this species name.
Echeveria “Asante Sana” is a nursery hybrid, and thus doesn’t exist in nature. Echeverias in general are native of Central and South America.
Echeveria “Asante Sana” is a beautiful ornamental succulent, perfect to decorate your balcony or any shelf in your office. It is in fact very tough and resistant, but has a high decorative potential as well. It is a new cultivar, the result of a crossing between an Echeveria and a Pachyphytum. It is a perennial plant that forms clumps of rosettes. The rosettes grow at the top of curved, succulent stems that become wooden at their base. They reach a diameter of around 20-30 centimeters. Leaves are teal-coloured, gut-shaped, almost rounded, with a slightly purplish tips. The purplish hints extend also at the edges of the leaves and get enhanced by intense sunlight. Flowers sprout at the top of elongated stems that grow from the center of the rosettes and might be orange to reddish to yellowish.
Echeveria “Asante Sana” is a hardy and adaptable succulent that is perfect for adding a touch of color and character to any space. This plant is known for its vibrant reddish leaves and bright green color that is enhanced when it is placed in a bright location with direct sunlight all year round.
Echeveria “Asante Sana” is able to tolerate temperatures as low as 7ºC, making it a great option for those who live in colder climates. To protect it during the winter, it is recommended to keep it in a pot and bring it indoors.
When it comes to watering, during the summer give it a good amount of water but avoiding wetting the leaves, and in winter, hold off on watering unless you see the leaves shriveling, in that case give it a small amount of water. Fertilizing is not necessary, but if you want to, you can fertilize it once during the growing season (spring and summer) with a specialized succulent fertilizer that is rich in potassium and phosphorus, and poor in nitrogen.
The soil should be well-draining. You might add some perlite or pumice to enhance drainage. Echeveria “Asante Sana” is a fast-growing species and needs space, so it’s recommended to repot it every year to enhance the vigor of the plant. Add Echeveria “Asante Sana” to your collection and enjoy its durability and beauty all year round.
The propagation of E. “Asante Sana” can be only made by cuttings, being a hybrid. For their ease of rooting, however, it is advisable to use leaf cuttings or suckers (in this case, small rosettes that sprout laterally). In E. “Asante sana”, rosettes are produced abundantly and can be taken off during the spring and easily replanted in another pot, where they soon put roots. Unlike other succulents, with Echeverias, cuttings can be left in full sun or at least in a very bright environment. The recommended temperature is around 20° C.
Echeveria ‘Asante Sana’ is a unique and vibrant succulent that is sure to add a touch of color and character to any space. Its vibrant reddish leaves and bright green color make it a striking addition to any garden, rock garden, or dish garden. It’s also a perfect potted plant that is easy to care for, making it a great option for gardeners of all levels.
The common name of Echeveria ‘Asante Sana’ is not widely used, but its botanical name is a reference to the Asante people, an ethnic group in Ghana, West Africa and “Sana” is a Swahili word that means “thank you” which refers to the gratitude of having this beautiful plant in your life.
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