Dolichothele longimamma
-The actual accepted scientific name is Mammillaria longimamma, but other synonyms are:
- Cactus longimamma
- Mammillaria alpina
- Mammillaria longimamma f. cristata
- Mammillaria longimamma var. gigantothele
- Mammillaria longimamma var. uberiformis
- Mammillaria longimamma f. variegata
- Neomammillaria longimamma
-It is native of Guanajuato, Hidalgo, and Querétaro.
-The stem is sphaericol, green, at first solitary: it forms dense clusters, with 10 to 50 branches. The tubercles are very long and flaccid. The plant has 8 to 10 long white-yellowish or brown radial spines and one central spine. D. longimamma blooms in May-July, the flower is yellow and larger than other species of this genus.
-Dolichothele longimamma is an easy plant to grow! Its tap root needs space to grow, so the pot should be large, filled with a draining mineral substrate. Water the plant in spring and summer, to increase growth, but be careful: this plant is rot sensitive, so keep the plant dry during the winter rest. It needs light shade to shade. Fertlize every two weeks with a diluted high potassium fertiliser when the plant is in bud.
-Propagation is done by seeds, offsets and tubercles, too: after removing the tubercles, let them dry for a couple days and then plant them.
-It is commonly called Nipple Cactus, Finger Cactus or Pinapple Cactus.
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