Crassula “Moonglow”


No synonyms are recorded for this species name.


Crassula “Moonglow” is a nursery hybrid and doesn’t exist in nature. Anyway, Crassulas are generally native to South Africa.


Crassula “Moonglow” is a tiny, beautiful succulent, with fleshy, grey-green, sessile leaves, tightly overlapping upon the stems to form stems like small, square columns. This plant doesn’t exceed an height of 20 centimeters. Leaves are covered of short hair and are, sometimes, tinged in a nice hint of red. This plants can take several years before flowering: its inflorescences are thyrses, born by an elongated, pale orange peduncle. Also flowers are colored in this pale orange, like apricot, and are very small and pretty.


Crassula “Moonglow” is a slow-growing plant, not so difficult to grow. Pay attention to watering: interventions should be moderate and frequent to maintain a moist (never overwet) soil in Spring and Summer and reduced and scarce in Winter, only when the substrate completely dries up, to prevent it from root and stem rot. This plant requires a bright spot but a full exposure in Summer should be avoided. It’s better to keep it indoors to avoid frost damages: temperatures below 5ºC could damage the plant. This species needs a good airflow: its surrounding environment shouldn’t be too humid. Its ideal substrate is a porous potting mix, very well-draining. Choose a shallow pot to provide the best condition for its fibrous roots. Repotting is not so often necessary because of the slow growing attitude of this plant.


Propagation can be realized simply taking of its numerous offsets and planting them in a humid, sandy soil. In addiction, stem/leaf cuttings and seeds are other ways.


The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.

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