Crassula ovata “Tricolor”


Crassula portulacea “Tricolor”
Crassula ovata cv. Lemon & Lime
Crassula argentea f. variegata hort.
Crassula ovata f. variegata hort.
Crassula ovata cv. Obliqua
Crassula ovata cv. Tricolor Jade


Being a nursery-produced cultivar, Crassula ovata “Tricolor” doesn’t exist in nature. Anyway, its “relative”, C. ovata syn. portulacea, is native to South Africa.


Crassula ovata “Tricolor” is a nursery- produced cultivar,similar to a normal Jade-tree (Crassula ovata), but with an exceptional variety of leaves colour. Leaves, in fact, are bright green, orbicular, with many tinges of yellow and of an intense red in their edges, or either shiny cream stripes. It’s widespread in our pots as it is not so difficult to cultivate, very resistant, and also pretty with its very-branched stems which can form a shrub until 120-180 centimeters tall. Flowers are slightly small, white or pink, star-shaped, developing from clusters produced at the top of the stems. Blossoming season occurs in Autumn and Winter.


Crassula ovata “Tricolor” is not so difficult to grow in a wide variety of climate condition if planted in a well-draining substrate. Even if you are not a really good gardener, it will resist. Pay attention to watering: the main problems that may occur in growing this cultivar are related to overwatering and scarce ventilation. Water interventions should be moderate and frequent in Spring and Summer but reduced and scarce in Winter, to prevent it from root and stem rot. This plant needs a good airflow and plenty of light. Abundance of light is important to enhance the marvelous colours of its leaves: anyway, a direct exposure in the hottest hours of Summer days should be avoided. It’s better to keep it indoors to avoid frost damages: temperatures below 5ºC could damage the plant.
Its ideal substrate is a porous potting mix, very well-draining. Choose a shallow pot to provide the best condition for its fibrous roots.


Propagation can be easily carried out by stems or leaves cuttings, which put root rapidly in a sandy, well-draining substrate.


The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.

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