Crassula “Morgan’s beauty”


No synonyms are recorded for this species name.


Crassula “Morgan’s beauty” doesn’t exist in nature, because it’s a crossing between Crassula Perfoliata and Crassuala mesembryanthemopsis, both native to South Africa.


Crassula “Morgan’s beauty” is a compact shrub, with erect, flashy, not so branched stems, tall until 15-20 centimeters. Leaves are opposite (which means that they are arranged in couples located in opposite sides of the stems), thickly affixed and overlapping on each others. They are flattened but thick, greyish-green, oval.
Inflorescences are compact, dense thyrses which bear nummerous starry, pinkish-red flowers, less than 1 centimeter wide. Blossimong time is in the end of Autumn- beginning of Winter.


Cultivation is not so difficult. Remember to use a sandy and well-draining substrate and put C. “Morgan’s beauty” in a bright spot. As in other Crassulas, watering should be almost suspended in Winter, leaving the soil completely dry, and it should be moderate during Spring and Summer. Before each intervention, it’s better waiting for the soil to dry completely up. Crassula “Morgan’s beauty” doesn’t bear temperatures below 5ºC.


Propagation can be easily realized through stem cuttings or leaf cuttings to be rooted in Summer in a sandy substrate.


The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.

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