Crassula cv. Hobbit
Crassula ovata Hobbit
Crassula portulacea (syn. ovata) Hobbit
Being a nursery-produced cultivar, Crassula cv. Hobbit doesn’t exist in nature. Anyway, its “relatives”, C. lactea and C. portulacacea syn. ovata, are native to South Africa.
Crassula cv. Hobbit is a nursery- produced cultivar, a crossbreading between Crassula portulacacea (syn. ovata) and Crassula lactea. It’s widespread in our pots as it is not so difficult to cultivate, very resistant, and also pretty with its odd, bright green leaves with tinges of red, with the tip characterized by a typical concavity that has given the name of imaginary creature to this plant. Stems are very branched, woody at their base, and densely crowded forming a nice little bush. Its flowers are white and very small, produced generally in Autumn.
Crassula cv. Hobbit is not so difficult to grow in a wide variety of climate condition if planted in a well-draining substrate. Even if you are not a really good gardener, it will resist. Pay attention to watering: the main problems that may occur in growing this cultivar are related to overwatering and scarce ventilation. Water interventions should be moderate and frequent in Spring and Summer but reduced and scarce in Winter, to prevent it from root and stem rot. This plant needs a good airflow and plenty of light. Anyway, a direct exposure in the hottest hours of Summer days should be avoided. It’s better to keep it indoors to avoid frost damages: temperatures below 5ºC could damage the plant.
Propagation can be easily carried out by stems or leaves cuttings, which can put root even if only left leaning on the ground.
The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.
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