Crassula falcata
The name “Crassula falcata” is actually a synonym of “Crassula perfoliata var. falcata”. This species name has also other synonyms:
Crassula decussata
Crassula falx
Crassula perfoliata var. minor
Crassula retroflexa
Crassula swellingrebliana
Crassula falcata is native from South Africa, in particular from Cape Province. Its habitat is characterized by soils formed from quarzitic sandstones outcrops: it grows usually among cliffs, in groups or solitary. The temperature of this areas is usually between 10 and 25ºC. It’ often found associated with Cotyledon orbiculata, Gasteria glomerata, Crassula rupestris.
Crassula falcata is a shrub that can reach 1 meter in height. It has erect stems, not so branched, until 1 meter tall. Leaves are arranged in couples, on opposite sides of the stems, and they are thickly affixed on each others.They are triangular-shaped, similar to scythes, curved, maximum 10 centimeters long, often blurred with red spots near the edges.
Blossoming occurs in the end of the Summer, upon flashy inflorescences (thyrses), supported by an elongated petiole, which bear many starry, scented, red, pink or white flowers, more or less 1 centimeters wide. Seeds are really small and, as in other Crassulas, dispersed by the wind.
Crassula falcata is not so difficult to cultivate. It requires a sandy, well-draining substrate and a bright spot. Water it moderately during its vegetative season and reduce interventions in Winter, when the soil should be maintained almost completely dry. It can be useful to shorten the stems too long, to help the development of new branches and more flowers.
Propagation is made through stem or leaf cuttings to be rooted in a sandy, humid substrate.
The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.
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