Crassula cv. Tom Thumb
No synonyms are recorded for this species name.
Crassula cv. Tom Thumb is a nursery-produced cultivar and doesn’t exist in nature.
Crassula cv. Tom Thomb is a nursery-produced hybrid, originated from a crossing happened by chance between Crassula rupestris subspecies rupestris and Crassula rupestris subspecies marneriana. This is a miniature Crassula, formed by a cluster of elongated stems, maximum 10-12 centimeters tall, with triangular, bright green leaves with tinges of brown and sometimes red spots (if the plant is exposed to sunlight). The leaves are overlapped upon the stems so that the stem are not visible. Inflorescences are tiny thyrses at the top of the stems, with small flowers, star-shaped and white.
Crassula cv. Tom Thomb is not so difficult to cultivate. It requires a well-draining substrate and a bright spot to have a full exposure to sunlight. Watering should be moderate in Spring and Summer and scarce in Winter to avoid roots rottings. While watering, pay attention not to wet the leaves. It’s better to put C. cv. Tom Thomb indoors to avoid frost damages.
Propagation is made through stem or leaf cuttings.
The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.
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