Crassula cv. Frosty


No synonyms are recorded for this cultivar name.


Crassula cv. Frosty is a nursery-produced cultivar, so it doesn’t exist in nature.


Crassula cv. Frosty is a dwarf succulent, similar to the cv. Celia, but with more elongated and pointed leaves, of a bright green, a little bit curved outwards, similar to little tongues. They are densely affixed upon the stems, so that the stems are not really visible. Inflorescences are rounded thyrses born by an elongated peduncle, of white tubular little flowers. Blossoming occurs during the Winter but, with the appropriate conditions, it can occur in all seasons.


Crassula cv. Frosty is not so difficult to cultivate. It requires a well-draining substrate and a bright spot to have a full exposure to sunlight. Watering should be moderate in Spring and Summer and scarce in Winter to avoid roots rottings. While watering, pay attention not to wet the leaves. It’s better to put C. cv. Frosty indoors to avoid frost damages.


Propagation is usually realized through stem cuttings and leaves cuttings, or either by seeds.


The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.

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