Crassula arta
The name “Crassula arta” is actually a synonym of “”Crassula deceptor”. We will provide a unique botanical chart for “Crassula deceptor” and “Crassula arta”, which are the same plant. The name has also other synonyms:
Crassula deceptrix
Crassula deltoidea
Crassula deceptor or Crassula arta is native to South Africa and south-western Namibia. Its habitat is the Succulents Karoo desert, a desert ecoregion between South Africa and Namibia, famous for the presence of many species of succulents. It grows upon rocky slopes and quarzitic rocks.
Crassula deceptor is a perennial herb with short little unbranched stems (7- 15 centimeters tall and 2-3 centimeters wide). The weird aspect of the leaves, greyish-bluish-green, rounded, short, devoid of petiole, similar to cat’s paws, with a rough surface, arranged in opposite pairs where they are united one to another, and densely affixed one to another (so that the stem is barely visible), make the stems look like little columns divided in four sections. Stems can have a prostrate attitude that make them look like tentacle, with their strange leaves that look like scales. The rough surface of the leaves is due to spherical papilliae, scattered among their surface. Flowers are starry, pinkish, scented and grouped in a thyrse at the top of elongated, reddish-green petiole, tall compared to the entire plant. Seeds are really small, dispersed by the wind as in other Crassulas. Blossoming period occurs mainly in Winter, but the plant can blossom in any time of the year, if appropriate conditions occur.
Crassula deceptor, as other Crassulas, is not so difficult to cultivate. It requires a well-draining, sandy substrate and a sunny spot. Water it moderately during Spring and Summer and reduce the number of interventions in Winter, keeping the soil dry. Temperatures should not descend below 5ºC.
Propagation can be realized through leaf or stem cuttings to be rooted in a sandy, humid substrate.
The name “Crassula” comes from the Latin “crassus”, which means fat.
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