Commiphora pseudopaolii
No synonyms are recorded for this name.
Commiphora pseudopaolii is a rare plant from East Africa: in particular it is widespread in Kenya and Somalia.
This plant grows in particular conditions, in alluvial soils in scrubland environments, between 60 and 600 meters above sea level, in climates with annual rainfall between 200 and 350 millimeters.
Commiphora pseudopaolii is a small tree which reaches a maximum height of 4-6 meters in its natural environment. It has a central trunk that reaches a height of 1.5 meters, 10-15 centimeters wide, from which the long branches develop. Due to the disproportion between the long branches and the small trunk, often the basal branches end up falling to the ground.
The distinctive feature of Commiphora is the white bark that comes off in layers and their ability to produce gummy resins, often used in cosmetics.
The flowers are small and white, distinct into male and female flowers.
Commiphora pseudopaolii grows vigorously and will not give you problems if you put it in a bright position and in a well drained substrate. The main cause of failure in the cultivation of this small tree is the excessive amount of water. Commiphora pseudopaolii should in fact receive water about every 3-4 days in spring and summer, i.e. their growing season, while with the arrival of winter you have to decrease the water supply until it stops completely.
The propagation of Commiphora pseudopaolii occurs by cutting or even by seed.
The name “Commiphora” comes from the Greek kommi, “gum” and “phorus”, hole. Many species of Commiphora in fact form gummy resins such as Mecca balsam and myrrh (extracted from C. myrrha), which are widely used in cosmetics and the production of incense.
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