Cintia knizei f. variegated


This name is actually a synonym of Rebutia cintia. Another synonym is Copiapoa knizei.


Cintia knizei f. variegated is an extremely rare plant, endemic of a small region in Bolivian Andes, at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level.


Cintia knizei f. variegated is an extremely rare plant, endemic of a small region in Bolivian Andes, at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level. It is the only species of the genus “Cintia”. The very small size of Cinzia knizei helps it to fit in the severe climate conditions of that altitude. This plant grows in fact among the rocks, in small crevices, where it’s more protected from the intense sunlight and wind during the Summer and from the severe temperature falls in Winter. It can survive very rigid winters, as long as the soil stays dry. Cintia knizei is in fact a solitary, tiny plant, with a diameter of 3-5 centimers and a height of 10 centimeters, and a globose, deep green, translucent, lumpy stem. The little, woolly white areoles, almost hidden between the tubercles, and don’t form spines when the plant is adult. The areoles are the buds of Cactaceae, from which the spines are usually formed. However, in some species, spines might be absent, just like in Cintia. On the other hand, young plant sometimes show 5-6 short spines. Another feature which makes this little plant so tough are its roots: being really deep (if compared with the size of the stem) and equipped with tubers, they are able to explore a wide portion of the soil and gain a great efficiency of water and nutrients absorption, which make Cintia survive in the extremely dry and poor soils of the Andes region. The tubers instead have the function to store water and nutrients, to survive the driest periods of the year. The diurnal flowers are another incredible feature of this Cintia knizei, mainly because they have the same diameter of the plant and cover it almost completely, with their bright yellow petals. Cinzia knizei is really sought after by succulent enthusiasts because of its small size and extreme rarity. Also, some plants show fashinating orange tinges on the stem or either are completely orange: this feature makes them even more decorative and pretty.
The variegated forms of Cintia knizei, even more sought after by collectors for the orange tinges of its stem, which appear in sectors or stripes on the stem. Intense sunlight might enhance the orange shade of the variegated forms. The variegations are due to some genetic mutations that affect the capacity of the plant to produce chlorophyll. The chlorophyll is replaced by other pigments like carotenoids, that create the orange colour, as in the case of C. knizei f. variegata; or either by anthocyanins, that create, instead, the red colour. Also, the variegated forms of C. knizei might show another genetic mutation that causes a phenomenon called “cephalium”. The Cephalium is an enlarged outgrowth, more or less globose or flattened or ovate depending on the species, that appears at the top of the stem of some cacti species. It might be equipped with wool and bristles, depending on the species and on the specific genetic mutation. Frequently it is brightly coloured: red, yellow or orange. The variegated form of C. knizei often forms cephaliums, and this makes it even more appreciated and sought after by collectors. Flowers, in species equipped with cephaliums, sprout at the top of it.


Cintia knizei is used to extreme conditions typical of a high mountain environment. It is particularly sensitive to root rotting, and thus it isn’t the easiest species to grow. The variegated form are even more sensitive. However, by following a few tips, you won’t have problems. Here below are the tips:

Put it in a bright spot but remember that they can also tolerate shade conditions.
It needs dry, cold conditions in Winter (0-10ºC) unless they don’t produce buds in the following Spring.
Water your Cintia knizei very carefully: in Summer, wait always for the soil to dry completely up before each irrigation. In Winter, waterings should be suspended.
If you keep the plant indoors, pay attention to the humidity: this plant is native to windy and dry environments, so the air should be dry: exposure to drafts is advised.
The substrate should be very well-drained and poor in nutrients: you can either add some sand and pebbles.
Repotting is not necessary, as the plant remains tiny and has a extremely slow growth rate. It’s important, however, to put it in a deep pots, to give space to its deep and strong roots.


Propagation can be made from seeds, cuttings, or grafts. The seeding period is usually in Spring or Summer.


Its name comes from Cinti, a Bolivian town to which these plants are native. Cintia knizei, the only species in this genus, was discovered by Karel Kníže in 1966 at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level near a town called Otavi, in the region of Potosí, in Bolivia. It was though described only in 1969 by Jan Ríha.

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