Browningia hertlingiana
Browningia hertlingiana
Azureocereus hertlingianus
Clistanthocereus hertlingianus
Browningia hertlingiana is a peruvian plant native to the Mantaro Valley. It grows at an altitude up to 3000 m on steep slopes in dry Andean forests.
Browningia hertlingiana is an enormous columnar cactus, which due to its characteristical turqouise appearance is also called “Blue Cereus”. The columnar few branched stems can get up to 8 m tall and 4 m extention. The several stems which arise from the main one are bright turquoise to olive green when aging (to get the characteristic blue colour, this succulent needs a warm climate and a big amount of light). Ribs are tuberculate and up to 18 cm long, and areoles form on tubercles. The stemp present two different kind of spines: the juvenile ones, 5-8 each areole, differentiated in centrals (stouter, in a number from 1 to 3) and radials, yellow with a brown tip; and the ones on the upper part of the stem, up to 30 looking almost equal, yellowish and flexible. When the plant get 1 m tall, in summer it can bloom: flowers are nocturnal, white with a purplish-brown tube.
B. hertlingiana it is an easy plant, it grows slowly and can be grown both on the ground and in pots with draining soil. It needs a lot of light, it also tolerates full sun exposure. In winter it resists temperatures as low as -5 ° C. with dry soil.
Irrigate regularly during the growing season, always taking care to allow the soil to dry out between irrigations.
Propagation is easily done by seeds: during spring, sown them in pots of well-draining, sandy substratum. Once they get well-rooted, you can plant the seedlings in separated small containers.
Due to its characteristical turqouise appearance, Browningia hertlingiana is also called “Blue Cereus”.
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