Agave titanota


Agave titanota Gentry
Agave titanota f. aureomarginata
Agave titanota FO-076 Sierra Mixteca


Characteristic of limestone hills, this plant is native to Mexico, Oaxaca.


Agave Titanota is a monocarpic, evergreen succulent. It is a medium-sized plant, and it forms a solitary rosette (up to 75 cm diameter) during youth. When mature, occasionally it produces offsets. Curved, light brown spines cover the leaves margins. By the color of the leaves, we can distinguish between two forms of Agave Titanota: The Rancho Tambor (defined by Gentry) form, and the Felipe Omero form (often sold as Agave sp. Sierra Mixteca FO-076). The Gentry form has ghostly white-colored leaves, while the Felipe Omero form presents pale blue or grey-green colors. Agave Titanota reach maturity in 10-30 years, and, before dying, it may bloom once, producing yellow flowers with a stem high from 3m to 6m.


Even if it grows really slowly, A.titanota does not have special needs. However, to do its best, it wants full sun, or a lightly shaded area. Its tolerance to heat is excellent, while it fear severe frost (but theorically, it can tolerate temperatures of -3°C). They need regular watering during growing season; in winter, it can be done once every 1-2 months. Agave titanota, like other Agaves, need a very well-drained soil.


You can use seeds, but also basal suckers as plant propagation material: remove them during spring or summer, and when the cuttings are well dried, after few days, you can insert them in compost


Like for other Agave species, the pollination happens thanks to bats, which feed on the nectar of the plants.

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