Aeollanthus subacaulis
Icomum subacaule
Plectranthus subacaulis
Aeollanthus rubescens
Icomum grandifolium
Aeollanthus salicifolius
Aeollanthus subacaulis is widespread in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, southern Tanzania, Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Burundi, Camerun. It’s present in grassland and woodlands, between 900 and 2200 meters above sea level.
Aeollanthus subacaulis is a perennial plant which develops from a globose, tuberouse root. The tuber forms many erect stems. Basal leaves are different from the ones along the stems: the basal ones are grouped in a rosette and they are stiff, more or less elliptical, reddish-green, with a red-purple underside. The leaves along the stems, instead, are really smaller and they have a linear-lanceolate shape. The inflorescence is a spike-like panicle, and it bears many whitish-purplish flowers.
Aeollanthus subcaulis comes from Central Africa, where there are usually humid and hot climates: so keep it indoors in winter to prevent it from frost damages, and pay attention to watering: overwatering can lead to root rotting. This plant can properly grow at a partially shaded position.
Propagation is usually done through the tubers.