Parodia aureispina
Echinocactus amambayensis
Echinocactus catamarcensis var. obscura
Echinocactus catamarcensis var. pallida
Echinocactus microspermus
Echinocactus microspermus var. erythrantha
Echinocactus microspermus var. macrancistrus
Echinocactus microspermus var. thionanthus
Hickenia microsperma
Parodia aconquijaensis
Parodia albofuscata
Parodia amambayensis
Parodia amblayensis
Parodia argerichiana
Parodia aureispina
Parodia aureispina var. elegans
Parodia aureispina var. erythrantha
Parodia aureispina var. erythrostaminea
Parodia aureispina var. grandiflora
Parodia aureispina var. mutabilis
Parodia belenensis
Parodia betaniana
Parodia cabracorralensis
Parodia campestris
Parodia capillitaensis
Parodia cardenasii var. maior
Parodia catamarcensis
Parodia catamarcensis var. albispina
Parodia catamarcensis var. mesembrina
Parodia catamarcensis var. riojensis
Parodia catamarcensis var. rubriflorens
Parodia cebilarensis
Parodia chlorocarpa
Parodia erythrantha
Parodia erythrantha
Parodia erythrantha var. thionantha
Parodia fechseri
Parodia fuscatoviridis
Parodia fuscoviridis
Parodia glischrocarpa
Parodia grandiflora
Parodia guachipasana
Parodia haemantha
Parodia herzogii
Parodia heyeriana
Parodia hummeliana
Parodia hummeliana var. glischrocarpa
Parodia hummeliana var. rubristaminea
Parodia lembckei
Parodia macrancistra
Parodia macrancistra
Parodia macrancistra
Parodia malyana
Parodia malyana subsp. igneiflora
Parodia malyana var. igneuiflora
Parodia malyana var. rubriflora
Parodia matthesiana
Parodia mercedesiana
Parodia mesembrina
Parodia mesembrina var. juanensis
Parodia microsperma subsp. albofuscata
Parodia microsperma subsp. aureispina
Parodia microsperma subsp. catamarcensis
Parodia microsperma subsp. herzogii
Parodia microsperma subsp. mesembrina
Parodia microsperma subsp. microsperma
Parodia microsperma subsp. sanguiniflora
Parodia microsperma subsp. spegazziniana
Parodia microsperma var. argerichiana
Parodia microsperma var. aurantiaca
Parodia microsperma var. belenensis
Parodia microsperma var. betaniana
Parodia microsperma var. cafayatensis
Parodia microsperma var. campestris
Parodia microsperma var. cebilarensis
Parodia microsperma var. erythrantha
Parodia microsperma var. glischrocarpa
Parodia microsperma var. guachipasana
Parodia microsperma var. herzogii
Parodia microsperma var. lembckei
Parodia microsperma var. macrancistra
Parodia microsperma var. malyana
Parodia microsperma var. minuscula
Parodia microsperma var. mutabilis
Parodia microsperma var. nana
Parodia microsperma var. opulenta
Parodia microsperma var. rigidissima
Parodia microsperma var. riojensis
Parodia microsperma var. rubristaminea
Parodia microsperma var. spanisa
Parodia microsperma var. thionantha
Parodia microsperma var. wagneriana
Parodia microsperma var. weberiana
Parodia microthele
Parodia minima
Parodia minuscula
Parodia mutabilis
Parodia mutabilis var. carneospina
Parodia mutabilis var. elegans
Parodia mutabilis var. sanguiniflora
Parodia nana
Parodia papagayana
Parodia rigidispina
Parodia riojensis
Parodia rubellihamata
Parodia rubellihamata var. aureiflora
Parodia rubriflora
Parodia rubristaminea
Parodia sanagasta
Parodia sanagasta var. saltensis
Parodia sanagasta var. viridior
Parodia sanguiniflora
Parodia sanguiniflora var. comata
Parodia scopaoides
Parodia setifera
Parodia setifera f. betaniana
Parodia setifera f. chlorocarpa
Parodia setifera var. balboaensis
Parodia setifera var. cabracorralensis
Parodia setifera var. jujuyensis
Parodia setifera var. longihamata
Parodia spanisa
Parodia spegazziniana
Parodia spegazziniana var. aurea
Parodia spegazziniana var. lembckei
Parodia spegazziniana var. spanisa
Parodia tafiensis
Parodia talaensis
Parodia thionantha
Parodia tuberculosicostata
Parodia tuberculosicostata var. amblayana
Parodia tuberculosicostata var. cafayatensis
Parodia tucumanensis
Parodia uebelmanniana
Parodia wagneriana
Parodia weberiana
Parodia weberioides
Parodia weskampiana
Parodia aureispina comes from an area between northern Argentina and Southern Bolivia.
Parodia aureispina is a type of cactus that is a variant of the Parodia microsperma, which can look different in various ways. This cactus is often seen with strong, yellow spines and yellow flowers. There are other similar types of cacti like Parodia mutabilis and Parodia aurihamata, and they can be hard to tell apart unless you know where they come from. Parodia aureispina is a compact and small to medium-sized cactus with lots of dense white and yellow spines. Usually, it grows alone, but sometimes it forms small groups. The stem of this cactus is round or cylindrical, and it can be light green or bluish-green. It can be about 6-7(-9) cm wide and 10 cm tall or even more. The cactus has 13-21 ribs that twist around it, and there are cone-shaped bumps that are about 4-5 mm wide and 3 mm long. On the cactus, there are small areas called areoles that have white-yellowish fluff, which disappears as they get older. The cactus has 11-13 thin, bristly, white spines that can be up to 7 mm long. There are also 4 short, hooked central spines, with the top three being honey-yellow to reddish-brown with a reddish tip, while the lower one is longer and stronger. The flowers of this cactus are bright yellow, and they look like a funnel shape at the top of the plant. They are about 2.5 mm long and 40 mm wide. The outer parts of the flowers are spatulate or lanceolate and have denticulate edges, with a yellowish-orange color. The throat of the flower is yellow, and the filaments have cream-yellowish anthers. The stigma, which is the part that catches the pollen, is white-yellowish and has 12 lobes.
This cactus usually blooms in early summer and can have several flowers at once, unlike some other types of Parodia cacti that usually have one flower at a time. The flowers stay open for about three days. The fruit of this cactus is ovoidal, which means it’s shaped like an egg. It is about 6×5 mm and opens at the bottom when it’s ready. The seeds of this cactus are very tiny, about 0.4 mm long, and they are brown, smooth, and shiny.
Cultivating and propagating Parodia aureispina is relatively simple, especially when grown on its own roots. For optimal growth, plant it in an open sandy-gritty cactus compost. Use a relatively shallow pot that allows space for its fibrous roots and ensures excellent drainage. You can keep it in the same pot for many years, as it doesn’t require frequent repotting. During the summer, this cactus needs regular watering. However, in the winter months, it’s best to keep it relatively dry, as it is susceptible to losing its roots during this time. Parodia aureispina is moderately hardy and can tolerate light frost, withstanding temperatures as low as -1°C. With proper care and attention, this cactus can thrive and bring beauty to your collection.
Propagation of Parodia aureispina is primarily done using seeds. The seeds of this plant are incredibly tiny and should be sown on the surface of the germination substrate, without burying them. However, the seedlings that emerge after germination are so minuscule and delicate that keeping them alive can be quite challenging. For this reason, the baggy germination technique is commonly used for this species.
In the baggy germination method, the seeds are placed in a sterilized pot, which is then hermetically sealed within a plastic sachet or bag. This creates a controlled environment that helps maintain the necessary humidity and provides a protective space for the delicate seedlings to grow. By utilizing this technique, growers can increase the chances of successful germination and survival of the young plants.
The botanical name “Parodia aureispina” has an interesting etymology. The genus name “Parodia” comes from the Latin word “paro,” which means “to prepare” or “to provide.” This name was given to the cactus genus because of the protective dense wool and spines that cover the plants. As for the species name “aureispina,” it also originates from Latin. “Aureus” means “golden” or “yellow,” and “spina” means “spine” or “thorn.” This suggests a characteristic of the cactus, possibly referring to its golden or yellow spines.
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